Monthly Archives: April 2020

Welcome back and home learning for wb 27th April

Hi Y6! We hope that you have all enjoyed your Easter holiday and that you were able to relax with your family and enjoy the lovely sunshine.

Mrs Pearson enjoyed reading, being in the garden, going for walks, playing badminton and frisbee and eating chocolate! Mrs Clements also enjoyed reading, going for walks and being in the garden.

Here are your activities for the week. Just try to do as much as you can and please don’t worry about home learning.


Here is the link to the Prayers for Home page 


SPaG 1. – complete the memory challenge sheet  – spelling and vocabulary. This is attached in the classwork section.

SPaG 2. – apostrophes for possession and contraction on bbc bitesize. Watch the clip, read the information, then complete the quiz for both.

Writing – go to

Watch the clip from Roald Dahl’s Boy. In the clip, everyday things, such as eating sweets and chatting with friends are brought to life by vivid description. The author uses verbs ”…the sherbet fizzed in your mouth” and adjectives such as ”Gobstoppers were enormous, hard round balls” to create a clear picture for the reader.

Your task is to write a paragraph to describe something you like to do. For example, eating something you enjoy; jumping into the swimming pool on a hot day; the moment you step into the football ground to watch your team play; the moment the film starts at the cinema; visiting someone special, like a grandparent. Remember to choose your vocabulary really carefully to bring the scene to life. Can you use a simile too? Attach your paragraph to the classwork section.

Reading – read the current issue of First News (attached in the classroom section).



We thought we would give the Oak Academy lessons a try this week. This is a website set up by lots of teachers to support you with your learning.

Understanding fractions is so important for secondary school and so we have decided to have this as our main focus for the next few weeks. If you click on the link below, it will take you to a page on the Oak Academy website that has different lessons for Y6 all about fractions. There are enough to do one lesson per day.

The idea is that you do the quiz first so that you can see how much topic have remembered. You then watch the video of the lesson. In the middle, you pause to have a go at the independent task (you find this by clicking on ‘Next Activity’). Use your notebook to record your work. You then watch the rest of the video so you can see how you got on in the independent task. Finally, take the quiz again to see if you have remembered more. We will set up a page in the classwork section for you to report back about how you got on with each lesson.

Tip – for the independent task, use the next slide button, not the play button.

Start with the lesson called ‘representing fractions’ then move on through the rest in order.

If you have any questions, use Google Classroom to get in touch.


Below is a copy of some fun activities you can do at home.

Primary Science Activities SINK OR SWIM

Primary Science Activities at Home

Topic – World War 2

Watch this from BBC class clips –

Create your own timeline to show the events covered in the film clip (starting during Victorian times). The Victorian Era was from 1937 -1901 so you should start your time line at the year 1900 and finish in the year 1940 (just after the start of the war) on a landscape piece of A4. Once you have your timeline in place, re-watch the video and add in the main events that led up to World War 2. Add your work to google classroom.


‘You Guess Me’ challenge page in the classwork section. You will need a timer for this. Have a go at the activities with a parent / carer or sibling. If you are working on your own choose 10 activities and set yourself a timer for 2 minutes and complete each one – have a 30 second rest between each activity. That will contribute to 20 minutes of your 60 minutes of vigorous activity target – well done!

Easter holiday

Hi Y6

Thanks again for all your hard work this week.

We wish you and your families a very Happy Easter. We hope that you stay safe and well, and enjoy this special time together.

Here are some activities for you to do over the Easter holiday. Please note – these are optional. There is no expectation that you complete home learning if you would prefer not to. However, we would like you to continue with your daily reading, which is very important. Go to if you would like to make yourself a bookmark. See Google Classroom for your exciting reading challenge!

This blog and the Google Classroom will not be updated over the holiday period (10th – 26th April). If your parents have any urgent information, queries or safeguarding concerns, please can you ask them to email Mrs Evans on


Here are links to the Sunday service and prayers to say at home.


Maths Investigations from Nrich

Here are two investigations from the Nrich website that yo9u could have a go at. There are lots of others on this website too.

Two Primes Make One Square

Flora had a challenge for her friends.
She asked, “Can you make square numbers by adding two prime numbers together?”

Ollie had a think.
“Well, let me see…  I know that 4 = 2 + 2. That’s a good start!”

Have a go yourself.  Try with the squares of the numbers from 4 to 20.


Magic Vs
Place each of the numbers 1 to 5 in the V shape below so that the two arms of the V have the same total.

How many different possibilities are there?
What do you notice about all the solutions you find?
Can you explain what you see?
Can you convince someone that you have all the solutions?
What happens if we use the numbers from 2 to 6? From 12 to 16? From 37 to 41? From 103 to 107?
What can you discover about a V that has arms of length 4 using the numbers 17?

There are lots of other maths investigations on Nrich too.


Mini project. Can you find out about the peppered moth? Why does it link to the work you did on Charles Darwin?

Here are some Easter Challenges from the Primary Science Teacher Trust



TTRS Battle 2

We have set up a girls V boys battle on TTRS. It starts at 8.30 and finishes at 3.30 today. Good luck everyone.
Remember – It isn’t the time your answers take that matters. It is your score. All the scores are added together and the team with the most points wins. Please take part!

Home Learning – Week Beginning 6th April

Hi Y6! Hope you have all had a good weekend.

We ‘break up’ from school on Thursday for our Easter holidays so there isn’t quite as much to do this week. We will post some holiday activities though nearer the time. These will be optional.


It is Holy Week this week. Your task is to find out what the Easter Triduum is (own words please. Do not copy and paste) and then explain which of the Triduum you think is the most important and why. Please upload your work to the classwork section in Google Classroom by Thursday 9th April at 11 a.m.

Here is this week’s link to prayers at home:


Complete the Memory Challenge sheet – punctuation. This is in the classwork section on Google Classroom. Write the answers in your home learning book.

Complete week 3 of the Ark English Mastery home learning pack if you have it (there’s no need to do the writing task though).

Go online and search for pobble 365. Go to ‘pick a day’ and select 8th April. This will take you to a picture called The Mountain Pass. Look at it very carefully. Then read the story starter. Your task is to complete the ‘sentence challenge!’ You will need to use the ideas suggested to write a description of the mountain pass. I am looking for interesting vocabulary to really bring the scene to life. Also, try to start your sentences in different ways. Post your paragraph in the classwork section by Thursday 9th April at 2 p.m.

Remember to keep up with your daily reading. It’s very important!


We have uploaded arithmetic paper 9 to the classwork section of Google Classroom. Remember, you get 30 minutes to do the test.
You don’t need to print it out, you could do the answers in your notebook or on paper.
Go through it when you have finished and make any corrections you can.
Please share your scores in the classwork section when you have done – we would love to see them!

Use your maths knowledge organiser to write three questions you could use to test a friend’s knowledge. If you can upload these questions to the classwork section, we’ll pick some and make a quiz for you.

Maths game – optional

Science – This is optional

Can you answer the questions in this quiz? See the information sheet from last week’s blog for help. You can write the answers in your books to save printing the sheet. Let us know how you get on.

Charles Darwin quiz sheet