Monthly Archives: October 2020

Mental Health Day in Y6

Today, we have worked on  Mental Health Day activities.

This morning, we made leaflets about ways to cope with negative feelings; mindfulness colouring, meditation on imoves and celebrated what is good in our lives.

This afternoon we made origami book marks and listened to calming music.

It’s been a very enjoyable day!

Henri Rousseau art

We have been studying Henri Rousseau’s amazing rainforest paintings this week. We learned about his life – he didn’t even train as a painter!

Then we chose a painting and used a viewfinder to select part of it to sketch, then paint. We carefully mixed the colours to match the original.

National Poetry Day

We enjoyed spending the morning reading and writing poems. Mrs Marsh came in to read some of her favourite poems to us.

We read a poem called ‘Granny is…’ and then wrote our own poems about special people in our families. They were fantastic and are now on display outside the classroom. Well done everyone!