Monthly Archives: March 2019

British Science Week – Fish and Flies in Medical Research

Today, Iwan and Emily from Sheffield University came to tell us about their work in the field of biomedical research. They explained to us  how studying fish and flies is helping people to develop medical techniques for humans! They brought in fish and flies for us to look at and taught us about how their genes are very similar to those of a human. We used basic gene codes to draw mutant fish and flies. Some of our creations are below.

World Book Day

We have all had a lovely day celebrating World Book Day.

We had a visit from Dr Mike Boyle who has written a book called ‘Canary Across The Mersey’, which is all about a childhood experience. Ask your child to tell you about it.

We have made bunting and bookmarks,  had a quiz, a book swap and read to the children in Reception.

What will you be reading at the weekend?